The Handtied Bouquet in Water

The Handtied Bouquet in WaterSend fresh flowers in water using The Topiary Tree Florist.A handtied bouquet in water is created and designed for each recipient bursting with as much life, colour and scent as possible. This beautiful, bespoke flower arrangement is ready to display in its own water pouch, after being transported carefully in cool water – Your bouquet will …

What’s in Season: Spring

What’s in Season: SpringA Floral WonderlandIf you have plans of tying the knot in a whole new floral wonderland, bursting with natural colour and fragrance – you must be keen to know which seasonal flowers are available to adorn the whole event. Here are some of the trendiest and visually stimulating blooms that are in season….The Peony(symbolises romance and prosperity) …

Valentines Flowers From Your Local Florist

Valentines FlowersA Special ImpressionValentines Day is just around the corner, kick it off right by ordering fresh blooms! While supermarket flowers can be more convenient and affordable, you are celebrating a very special occasion and will want to make a memorable first impression. We are florists and we may be bias in our views, but we want the very best …

What’s Your Favourite Flower?

What’s Your Favourite Flower?A Reliable ConstantWhether you’re a professional, an amateur, or just a fan …. Flowers are kind of a big deal. They’re a constant, reliable presence at some of life’s greatest moments and most challenging trials. As a florist, one of the most popular questions we get asked is ‘What’s your Favourite Flower?’ and it’s a question we …

The Fresh Flower Care Guide

Fresh Flower Care GuideFresh for LongerThere are a lot of weird and wonderful old wives tales on how to keep your flowers looking fresh for longer – from adding sugar, aspirin and even coins to water….here at The Topiary Tree Florist, we’re no exception. However, we do have some solid, tried and tested advice on how to make sure your …

How To Choose Your Wedding Suppliers

Wedding SuppliersHow To ChooseDid you receive an extra sparkly gift this Christmas? If so, Congratulations! It’s time to plan your Big Day! It’s a big wedding world and choosing your perfect wedding day suppliers can be a little overwhelming! We’ve put together some helpful tips so you are one step closer to your Big Day. Don’t RushDo Your Research! It’s important …

Your Ultimate Wedding Dictionary

A Handy GlossaryWedding Florist TerminologyIf you’re new to the wedding scene and have just started planning your perfect wedding, you may feel a bit inundated with all the terminology and jargon. Here is a handy dictionary to keep you up to date with the lingo. BBest Man Usually the groom’s best mate, brother or other close family member, including the groom’s …